czwartek, 2 lipca 2015

How To Master Pivot Tables Data Analysis Functionality In Microsoft Excel With Step By Step Guides Online Course
Easy Excel Pivot Tables Data Analysis – With Igor
An easy and user friendly guide that takes you step by step through this powerful Excel functionality.
Microsoft Excel is one the most widely used tools in business today. Pivot Tables is undeniably the most powerful part of Excel. If you have ever had a set of data and spent time wondering what you can do with it, then Pivot Tables is your friend and this course is for you.

When you complete this course, you will be able to:
1) Become much more productive at work and save time – lots of it!
2) Become infinitely more comfortable with Excel and begin to enjoy it.
3) Begin to feel that Excel is a tool at your disposal and that you use it, not the other way around.
4) Quickly fix data and prepare it for further analysis.
5) Quickly transform your raw data into useful, actionable information reports.
6) Impress your boss and your colleagues with your newly acquired and highly polished skills.
7) Acquire proven strategies, tips, and techniques in Excel.

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