Newsstand: Publish your magazine today
The ultimate guide for creating cost effective magazines for the Newsstand from zero to the App Store in one day
Build your Newsstand magazine from scratch! The Newsstand gold rush has just started!
We all heard that the App Store gold rush is officially over. That might be true for apps but it certainly isn’t true for Newsstand apps/magazines. There are only a handful of magazines on Newsstand and the time to act is now!
In this course will show you that anyone can publish on the Newsstand!
Newsstand is a built-in application on Apple iOS devices the iPad, iPhone and iPod touch. It is dedicated to downloading and displaying digital versions of newspapers and magazines. The most popular and largest printed newspaper and magazine names now publish digital content specifically designed for mobile devices and tablets. Now it’s time for you to do the same and take part in this publishing revolution. You don’t have to be a publisher, you don’t have to know coding or designing! You just need to have the interest to publish on this emerging platform. You will learn all the rest from this course!
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